We love speakers.
We love speakers. We admire the guts it takes to put themselves out there.
We especially love our speakers. Because they dare to reinvent themselves from the traditional generic 1-note presenter - to a real human being with something to say. And with the ability to touch the audience.
And our greatest love - watching the transformation of our speakers whose professional and personal lives are changed with this work. Just as it has changed - and continues to change our own lives. and ignite our passion
W. Steven Lecky
Creator, Co-Founder & Master Trainer
Steve is the creator of The Vox Method. An original method developed by an original thinker. For Steve, constant innovation is the norm. And it's all to make the techniques more effective, easier to understand, and more enjoyable.
Steve manages what few coaches can do - balance rigor and ease. Speakers are always challenged but always comfortable.
Whether he's leading an online workshop with 30 people or a private session - every speaker is fully engaged, on their toes, and excited about what they're learning.
Steve's commitment to everyone's learning path is always top of mind.

Elissa Bernstein
Co-Founder & Master Trainer
It all started when her fellow grade 4 students asked her for help with Ancient History. Elissa discovered a passion for coaching that continues decades later.
She helps speakers uncover the innate desire we all have. To communicate, to share, to speak from the heart. And to tell stories. Elissa is a storytelling wizard. Show her the driest, most technical material and she will find the story - which then humanizes the speaker.
Elissa is on a constant quest - to simplify and customize the tools - while maintaining their depth. Her foundational belief? Everyone - yes everyone - has the potential to command an audience - and enjoy doing it!

It all starts with the voice - or 'vox' in Latin.
That's where The Vox Method began. In singing class when Steve Lecky was studying to be an opera singer. He was frustrated with the training. It was vague. And it didn't work for everyone - including him. There had to be a better way.
So, he came up with Vox for singers. That led to Vox for actors. And then, Vox Method for speakers.
All based on how we actually express ourselves as human beings. He didn't follow any other tradition. Instead, he started from scratch. Observing, analyzing. Discovering new ground, new solutions.
He studied the world’s greatest singers, actors, and speakers. What did they do instinctively that made them remarkable? Could those instincts be translated into a technique? The result? An approach that is as simple and elegant as it is intricate and deep. And above all, accessible with proven results.